My first official post of 2016 - yay!!! I read an extraordinary article which compelled me to write it out here instead of other social engines. Past - what do we really mean by it? Is it only the memories that we wish to keep? I think past is the best teacher to decide how much a person has grown in that period of time. It's not always about happy memories but sometimes the lessons learnt are more valuable. People say life is a fickle friend - one second we are normal and the next we are falling down a tunnel... what they don't realise is life is the best possible thing happened to us. To meet someone in a world consisting of over 7 billion and get to know them is surely a miracle in itself, let alone from different parts of globe. We all have someone to warm our beds with, each night but still we feel something's missing. Like a chapter unfinished or simply to balance the " I owe you " part. We all are civilised beings, mature enough to understand the meaning. Past is the most beautiful creation of our mind because everything that occurs to us in present and in future depends largely on decisions of the past. I am understand of the fact that it's hard to embrace something which hasn't gone to plan in the past... we know it was never meant to be, but sometimes we might just take a look as to why the poor fellow is trying... For me I don't regret a single thing I did in the past - those were the best decisions I could make based on my feelings and emotions, then. Although many times they have been as wrong as Bernie Sanders standing for US presidential post this year or maybe Putin putout video :) Earth is a place made for friendship - to meet, learn, grow and live life in peace and harmony.Nobody can predict what's gonna happen next second; but everybody has plans. Life is beautiful - live yours to the fullest and be always happy. Special thanks to those who really read this article. My mind had just exploded... haha!

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